The Essentials of PreHospital Trauma Care (EPHTC) book covers the core information needed by EMS providers to care for the victims of trauma. The EPHTC book is unique in that it uses the M-A-R-C-H approach for the assessment and management of the trauma patient.
This book identifies various threat agents, and the signs and symptoms of exposure to them and select the proper treatment. It will also identify special threats to healthcare providers, such as secondary contamination.
By learning how to stop external bleeding, it is possible to help save a life, even your own. The Essentials of Bleeding Control course and book provide the necessary information and skills to respond to a bleeding emergency.
There are a wide variety of medical emergencies that occur every day. From simple allergic reactions to life-threatening situations such as chest pain, cardiac arrest, choking, and opiate overdose. There are several things a nearby person can do to help the person suffering from such an emergency.
This textbook serves as a student course guide for the CCCD course and also a stand-alone textbook covering the principles of trauma care needed to treat injuries seen at Civil Disturbances.
Using an innovative question-and-answer format, PreHospital Medicine: Principals, Pearls and Pitfalls provides the reader with updated information about PreHospital Medicine. This book covers the gamut of topics that will be encountered in the field setting.
This textbook serves as a student course guide for the TCC-LEFR course and also a stand-alone textbook covering the principles of trauma care needed to save a life in the first moments following a traumatic event.
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